Get Poker TDA Certified
TDA members may take the Level 1 Poker Tournament Director Certification Exam and earn a printable certificate upon passing. Certification will remain in effect for the longer of two years or until a new exam is issued based on a substantial revision to the Poker TDA Rules. Historically substantial revisions have occurred every two years coinciding with Poker TDA Summit meetings.
A list of currently certified TDA members may be found on the TDA forum at this link:
To take the exam, follow the steps below. Be sure to 1) pay through PayPal using the e-mail address you want your exam URL code sent to, 2) enter your exam URL code in your browser then register on the exam site in the name you want on your certificate, 3) save the certificate to your computer. These steps will avoid problems in the exam process.
BASIC: The exam has 40 questions. A minimum score of 90% (36 correct) is required to pass. The exam is based on the most recent Poker TDA Rules and Recommended Procedures, see: The 40 questions cover each of the 10 Rules categories (general concepts, betting, etiquette, etc.). Questions are in multiple choice, true / false, and select all that apply formats.
PROCESS: The exam is open to TDA members only. First pay $10 for the exam via Pay Pal. You do not have to be a Pay Pal member. The e-mail used for your PayPal transaction is the e-mail your unique URL exam code will be sent to. If you pass you will receive a downloadable certificate at the end of the exam. Save this certificate to your computer.
PREPARATION: The best preparation is to thoroughly study the current Poker TDA Rules. The exam includes both direct questions about the rules and hypothetical situations where you must choose the correct ruling to apply.
TIME: The ample time of 100 minutes is allowed to finish. The actual time required usually ranges from 40 to 70 minutes. The exam must be taken in one sitting; you may not pause and return later to finish. Each registration allows 2 opportunities to pass for one examinee only. If you pass in the first attempt you may not give your code to another person to take the 2nd attempt.
RANDOM TESTING: No two exams are the same. Your specific 40 questions are chosen at random from a 300-item question bank. The questions appear in random order and answer choices for each question are also randomized for each test.
CERTIFICATE: If you pass, upon answering the final question you will see a link to your certificate. Click the link and save the certificate to your computer with a searchable name such as “TDA Exam Certificate”. The TDA cannot guarantee reprints of certificates; you may have to re-take the exam to obtain a new certificate so please save the one you receive. Certification will remain in effect for the longer of two years of until a new exam is issued based on a substantial revision to the Poker TDA Rules.
PAYMENT: The exam price of $10 gives one examinee 2 opportunities to pass. Payment must be made via Pay Pal before registration. You do not have to be a Pay Pal member to pay with this system. Examinees who do not pass in two attempts must re-register and pay $10 again to re-take the exam. NOTE: the e-mail you use in the Pay Pal transaction is the e-mail your exam URL code will be sent to!
NAME ON YOUR CERTIFICATE: After paying at PayPal you will receive an e-mail within 3 days from the TDA with your unique URL exam code. Entering this code in your browser takes you to the online exam site. At this site one of the first questions will ask for your first and last name. Enter your name exactly as you want it to appear on your certificate.
URL CODE and EXAM SITE REGISTRATION NAME: After paying at PayPal, you will soon receive a URL code from the TDA by e-mail to the e-mail address you used for Pay Pal. Read the instructions in the e-mail carefully. The URL code gives one examinee 2 opportunities to pass. Do not share this code. Upon pasting the code in your browser, the exam site appears. One of the earliest screens on the site will ask for your first and last name. At the exam site, you must enter the name as you want it on your certificate.
QUESTIONS ABOUT THE EXAM: Please address questions regarding the exam to the following e-mail: Please put “TDA Exam question” in the subject line.
STEP 1: If you are not already a TDA member, join the TDA at
STEP 2: Pay for the exam via Pay Pal. Price is $10 for two attempts by one person. Write down the date, e-mail, receipt number (or transaction ID) for your records.
STEP 3: Your exam URL code will be e-mailed to you from the TDA within 3 business days of payment. The code will remain active for at least 30 days.
STEP 4: Follow instructions in the e-mail that contains your code. These include steps to register at the exam site with the first and last name you want to appear on your Certificate. It is not the name you use on Pay Pal but rather the name you enter on the exam site that determines the name on your Certificate!
STEP 5: Upon passing, you will see a link to your certificate. Save the certificate to your computer with a memorable and searchable file name. The TDA cannot guarantee re-prints of your certificate.
Use the Pay Pal button below to pay your $10 exam fee. You do not have to be a Pay Pal member. Write down your name, e-mail, date, and receipt number (or transaction ID) for your records. The e-mail you use for this transaction is the e-mail your URL exam code will be sent to. For more information on payment, see FAQs above.