Author Topic: Player throwing his cards in the muck before other person has chance to act  (Read 12681 times)


  • TDA Member
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A player makes a large bet,  then the player throws in his cards into the muck, are his cards dead.
But there is a player left to act, the player has called the big blind that has not acted..  the player left can cover the bet.
Does tthe player whose has not acted get all the chips that are bet or just what he called.


  • TDA Member & Active Poster
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  • Posts: 18
I would love to comment on this, but it seems confusing...Can you clarify a little more clearly?

Stuart Murray

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sounds something similar to the following thread:



  • TDA Member
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Player A calls the big blind of a 1000, player B makes a bet of 7000, the betting goes around the table, Player be throws his cards in the muck, before player A can act on his turn.  Player A has more than enough chips to call the the Raise.  How many chips is the player entitled to.


  • TDA Member & Veteran Poster
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    • Concord Card Casino
Player A calls the big blind of a 1000, player B makes a bet of 7000, the betting goes around the table, Player be throws his cards in the muck, before player A can act on his turn.  Player A has more than enough chips to call the the Raise.  How many chips is the player entitled to.

In my opinion player a only gets 1000 from player b. If B's hand would have been mucked by the dealer, he would get his uncalled bet back, but not the amount of the big blind.



  • TDA Member & Active Poster
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  • Posts: 18
Player A calls the big blind of a 1000, player B makes a bet of 7000, the betting goes around the table, Player be throws his cards in the muck, before player A can act on his turn.  Player A has more than enough chips to call the the Raise.  How many chips is the player entitled to.

In my opinion player a only gets 1000 from player b. If B's hand would have been mucked by the dealer, he would get his uncalled bet back, but not the amount of the big blind.


But in this case, the hand was not mucked by the dealer. It was not a dealer error. I would say that the money stays in the pot, and since Player A is the only one left, then he gets the full amount of the raise. The exception to this would be if Player A did not have 6000 more to call. If he had, for instance, only 3000 more, then 3000 would be returned to the player that mucked the cards.

The reason I would call it this way is that in the other situation, Player B could use it as an angle shoot, by raising, hoping Player A folds, but as soon as he sees player A reaching for chips to call, he immediately folds and only loses 1000.


  • TDA Member & Veteran Poster
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  • Posts: 58
    • Concord Card Casino
Yes, it is possible that is is an angle shoot, but a very dangerous one. If the other player just says call, he loses the 6000 because his fold would certainly be after the other's call. Also keep in mind, that it is folded around the table after the bet, so he bet into more than one player.

Having the chips stay in the pot is certainly a valid decision, I am sure the player will pay more attention next time.
