Author Topic: Premature Announcement of New Limits  (Read 4738 times)


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Premature Announcement of New Limits
« on: November 30, 2013, 05:11:33 PM »
22: New Hand & New Limits
When time has elapsed in a round and a new level is announced, the new level applies to the next hand. A hand begins with the first riffle. If an automatic shuffler is used, the hand begins when the green button is pushed.

Are you TDs waiting for the clock to go to zero before announcing new limits? IMO that would be correct. The "AND" in the rule means  that both conditions must be TRUE for the new limits to apply, so technically if the announcement is made prematurely, then the new limits still do not apply until the clock goes to zero anyway, but the premature announcement would then put unnecessary burden on the dealers and players to check to see when the clock does go to zero!

I bring this up because I occasionally see TDs announce the new limits a tad premature, when I believe they should be waiting for the clock to go to zero!

I know that this slight "window" of time will not make a difference most of the time - but when it does make a difference, it can cause a bit of disorder! And if done consistently, it puts undue burden on the field to then verify when the lock does go to zero!

Thanks for your consideration!
« Last Edit: December 02, 2013, 11:14:30 AM by Steven »

Nick C

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Re: Premature Announcement of New Limits
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2013, 10:13:38 AM »

 There are many other's on this forum that have more current experience with large tournaments, and they should reply. I have to agree with you that the announcement should never be made prematurely. Be aware of the time, and make the announcement as soon as the "buzzer" sounds. I remember dealing, and having player's try to rush through the current hand, so they wouldn't have to post the bigger blinds on the next hand. "Come on dealer, hurry up and start the shuffle!"

 I guess it's just something that we're going to have to deal with, because player's will almost always matter what you do! :(


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Re: Premature Announcement of New Limits
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2013, 10:29:56 AM »
We use Bravo and it makes an announcement when the blinds go up.  I do usually make announcements as early as few seconds before the end, but I say  "blinds are going to be up next hand 250/500" and my announcement finishes up as the clock ticks over to the next level.
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