Suggestions for new TDA rules and amendments to existing rules READ-ONLY ARCHIVES Pre-2015 Summit


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[1] 2015 Summit Suggestions: FCOTD, AA, Verbals, Action OOT, Undercalls, etc.

[2] Verbal declaration Out of Turn

[3] TDA 38-B: SA OOT... can consensus be reached on how to treat the skipped hand?

[4] team play tournaments

[5] Substantial action: How should it be defined?

[6] Retrieval of prior bet chips: allowable? commits to action or can still fold?

[7] Gestures (Rapping the table) recognized as binding.

[8] Max PL bet if the BB is all-in with less than a full BB?

[9] Raises: Debated long ago, yet still not resolved.


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