POKER TOURNAMENT MANAGEMENT & PROMOTION BOARDS > Poker tournament management issues

need help with staffing please

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Brian Vickers:
What is your tournament schedule going to look like?  Are you having them only at 7pm or also at noon?  7 days a week or only certain days? 

hi brian,
tournament schedule:  7 nights at 7:30 +tournament at noon for friday saturday and sunday

Another great thing to do would be to have a player round table. If you can get a little funding from your manager to invite 8 or 10 players to dinner in the casino then have a chat about what they would like to see from you. It's a great way to get a feel for which games to run and at which limits to have your tournaments. I've used this extensively when there are big rule changes or if the room is expanding or shrinking and I want to restore some of the faith that can be lost when a room shifts in a new direction


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