Author Topic: Shufflemaster Deckmate 2's  (Read 9300 times)


  • TDA Member & Veteran Poster
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  • Tournament Director at the Isle Casino
Shufflemaster Deckmate 2's
« on: December 21, 2015, 11:23:28 AM »
We recently switched shuffle machines from the old Deckmates, to the new Deckmate 2's.

While they are much faster, and they have the ability to suit the decks, they destroy cards by slicing them or chipping corners on cards 2-3x as much as the old machines.

Have any of you experienced similar issues or have any of you found a brand of card that was compatible with the new machines. 

We've tried Copaq/Kem cards as well as Bravo's own brand so far with no luck.
Ralph Brandt
Tournament Coordinator
Isle Casino - Pompano Beach, FL