POKER TOURNAMENT RULES QUESTIONS & DISCUSSIONS > Suggestions for New TDA rules and amendments to existing rules READ-ONLY ARCHIVES Pre 2017 Summit

Player announces raise when call or fold are only options: is he bound to call?

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Dave Miller:
My point was, we shouldn't try to read the mind of a player who tries to raise when he can't. Therefore, he shouldn't be committed to a call because of 'obvious intentions'.

Brian Vickers:

--- Quote from: Dave Miller on April 25, 2017, 03:54:15 PM ---My point was, we shouldn't try to read the mind of a player who tries to raise when he can't. Therefore, he shouldn't be committed to a call because of 'obvious intentions'.

--- End quote ---

Two players heads up:
Player A moves All-in.  Player B says "raise."  He's heads up and the other player is already all-in.  Should he be committed to calling the bet here in this heads up scenario?

Nick C:



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