Author Topic: "Trying to go home"  (Read 8265 times)


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"Trying to go home"
« on: February 13, 2011, 02:54:22 PM »
I had a situation come up a few days ago that I don't think I have seen before (certainly not to this degree).  I can't think of a rule that this players behavior falls under that would call for a penalty so I will be curious to see if you guys do.  I can think of the ethical play rule might fit but wasn't sure how to explain/apply it. 

Ok, so here is the situation.  A player who is part of a league that is playing for points over a season of games (but who probably no longer has a chance of getting into the prize spot) starts a a league game and within the first round gets a phone call from the wife.  He spends and orbit or two playing his usual game, which, for the record is a loose aggressive game.  Then he seems to be calling most every hand and calling large preflop bets cold.  Has the hands go to showdown he tables cards lik 95o and 72o and the like.  Is catch phrase is "I'm trying to go home". Presumably, he was trying to "lose" so that he could go home to take care of whatever he had to take care of.  Well, he kept getting stupid lucky and chipped up big but kept playing stupid knocking several of the league players out on terrible beats.  Of course, he eventually busted but not before ticking off more than a few players.

I should have done something about it but, as I said wasn't sure how to fit it into a rule.  I can't fault the guy for playing his cards how he wants to, and this guy plays weak hands as a matter of his regular play.  I did tell him that if he really just wanted to go home that he should just get up and leave his chips on the table and not screw with the tournament.

What would you guys do?

Nick C

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Re: "Trying to go home"
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2011, 04:22:22 PM »
 Obviously it wasn't an emergency. If it were, and the tournament just started, I could consider giving him his buy-in and letting him go. Based on what you are telling us, he wanted to keep playing, and as long as he played by the rules, I see no reason for imposing any penalty.


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Re: "Trying to go home"
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2011, 05:36:13 PM »
There are no rules ANYWHERE that prevent or penalize loose/aggressive play.  If there were, you would not see the likes of Gus Hanson, Tom Dwan and any number of other players who have that style game.  You don't need to make excuses to any of the other players.  If they are upset, it is because he changed his style and became even more loose and aggressive and THEY WERE NOT ABLE TO ADJUST!!

Hope this helps!!

Stuart Murray

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Re: "Trying to go home"
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2011, 07:47:15 PM »
Very Difficult situation, one that I have experienced myself several times.

Unfortunately there is nothing the other players/or you can do about it. He is playing the way he want's to.  The only thing I have tried with limited success is to talk to the player and point out that if you wish to leave we can remove your stack or if you think you will be back it can stay on etc rather as 'damaging' the game by such erratic play.

"My position is the way you are choosing to play tonight is dampening the atmosphere, think of it as if someone did it to you and you were determined to have a good game of poker you would probably not want to come back again, I know if I (the TD) was sitting playing at the table I would be pretty pissed off, so have a wee think about what your doing and come back to me with an answer if you can."

I would only use that though if the player had already voiced his intention to leave the game, if it's the way they want to play the whole of their tournament and have no intention of leaving then they can get on with it.

That as worked on a few occasions in almost identical circumstance, but then there are others who will just go down the bingo route.

« Last Edit: February 13, 2011, 07:48:56 PM by Stuart Murray »

Dave Lamb

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Re: "Trying to go home"
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2011, 08:34:44 PM »
Chet and Stuart make very good points, we do not get to administer how the cards are played, but it can be very difficult for players' to adjust to unorthodox actions. If player's elect to raise in the dark, call without looking, or just play every hand, it does not violate any game rules. One of our unwritten cardroom rules: "Never discourage a player from gambling!"


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Re: "Trying to go home"
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2011, 08:31:55 AM »
yeah, thanks guys.  We shouldn't discourage a player from gambling, it's just frustrating when it works so well for so long. LOL..

You guys pretty much said the same things I did to the other players and to the gambler but I appreciate bouncing it off you..