TDA POKER TOURNAMENT RULES & RECOMMENDED PROCEDURES > Official Poker TDA Recommended Procedures, Latest Version

Tournament dealer procedures

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I find it slightly amusing that the two sentences that you (Nick) and Chet are focussing on in points #2 or #9 are basically two of only a handful of custom additions (the part about not watching the race etc in #10 was also added) that the poster has made to the published list of 10 "Characteristics of a Professional Dealer" from the Professional Poker Dealer's Handbook. :o  It appears that almost all of the remaining text is taken from the PPDH verbatim, in case anyone is looking for the reference.

Nick C:
What the hell is that...the race? Are they talking about the Kentucky Derby ;D?

K-Lo if you're talking about the same Professional Poker Dealer's Handbook that I have, I can point out some serious flaws about pitching cards that needs to be addressed. One of the problems with these "lists" is (IMO), by what authority are the authors governed?  Who are "they" anyway?


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