POKER TOURNAMENT RULES QUESTIONS & DISCUSSIONS > Suggestions for New TDA rules and amendments to existing rules READ-ONLY ARCHIVES Pre 2017 Summit

When do underbets, under-raises, (and under-blinds) stand?


At what point should an underbet (or raise, or blind) be adjusted to proper size, and at what point should it be allowed to stand?

Should it stand anytime after a call? Anytime after a raise? Anytime after substantial action follows it?

Or... should it be adjusted up until the end of the current betting round?

This topic is subject of the following thread:

Here's another thread that discusses this to some extent:

The following comment is pasted from Bill's reply on the referenced thread. It's a good itemization of the issues.

--- Quote from: BillM16 on July 08, 2016, 07:23:51 AM ---Hey Mike,

The discussion at the 2015 Summit can be seen in the YouTube videos for Day #2.  It was a quite lengthy discussion that ran for the last 5 minutes on Part #3 on the Day #2 video and was continued for another 25 minutes on the beginning of Part #4 on Day #2.  It ended without a consensus with the intent to follow up later after further discussion by the board and this forum.

I would summarize it as follows:

* When do incorrect actions stand?
* After a raise
* After accepted action
* After substantial action
* At the end of the betting round
* Is an incorrect initial bet treated the same as an incorrect raise?
* Would the rules differ for limit, pot, and no-limit?
* If the original action was corrected, what options are then open to the previous callers of the incorrect action?
* They must call the fully corrected amount
* The can fold and forfeit the incorrect call amount
It would be nice to distill this topic into step-by-step examples and ruling options for 2017.  As can be seen from the 2015 videos - the discussion covers a broad range of issues.

--- End quote ---

Nick C:

 I am wondering if one more option could ever be considered. If the original action was corrected would you ever consider a retraction of bets from those that acted on the wrong amount...or would it be limited to a call, or surrender of the short wager?


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